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Message #95 of 317  *NEW*
To:  All
Subject:  WBC Fans
Date:  3/7/06, 10:36pm
I wanted to comment on how fantastic international fans are in support of their teams during this first ever World Baseball Classic. If any of you have had a chance to go to the Carribean for the Carribean World Series in the winter, you know it is awsome. There are flags everywhere, even in inter-country leagues. The stadiums are noisy and energetic. It is as if the they are playing for country of origin everytime they suit up, despite what the jersey logo might be or where ever they are playing. The only time I see that everyday enthusiasm by the masses here is at an NBA or NFL game, except for a few select teams. Even in Asia their games have noisemakers,horns, beating drums, etc. I hope that U.S fans feed off the energy the WBC brings. How awsome would that be for the players to have that everyday craziness?

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Message #97 of 317  *NEW*
To:  attacksquad
Subject:  Re: WBC Fans
Date:  3/9/06, 11:04am
I used to live in Japan for a few years, and went to several baseball games in the Tokyo area. It was quite an experience! Every player has their own little song. The crowd had a routine going for cheering. There was always at least one or two guys with trumpets.

It was really fun... for about two innings. After that I was longing for the relaxing atmosphere of Dodger Stadium. I just couldn't take the constant high level of energy of the Japanese baseball stadiums for very long. Not a lot of peaks and valleys of energy, just steady and somewhat monotonous.

Hey, see you at the Dell Diamond!!!

Barron in Cedar Park TX via Tokyo via Los Angeles

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Message #98 of 317  *NEW*
To:  attacksquad's Blog Thread
Subject:  Re: WBC Fans
Date:  3/9/06, 10:41pm
I'll be at the Dell Diamond for sure. I got my hat and this year I will sport a jersey. For those of you not from Cen Tex, this is an Astros affiliate, AAA. We got to see some stud piching before it came to the big show and some Taveras antes que ustedes. As far as your Japan experience, I can sort of understand where you are coming from, but this is exactly why general or casual fans find baseball boring. I don't of course, because I played for years and appreciate the game. If you think about it terms of the experiences one gets at an NBA Game or NFL game, there is less energy. I absolutely hate that. Sure I can do without the horns and drums every inning, but what a good time international games are. And was it me, or are there more female fans (hotties) at the international games? OH!

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